Sales and Service
Our team of trained and certified service technicians can install, service, repair or maintain your heating and air conditioning systems.
If you’re considering investing in a new HVAC system, the folks at Emmart Oil can help you determine the most efficient and effective solution for your home. Call Emmart Oil for a FREE estimate at 800.421.3835.
Based on such things as your air quality requirements, desired comfort levels, your home’s floor plan, existing ductwork and more, we can recommend the best solution for your family’s needs. Some solutions may include energy efficiency options, and your project may be eligible for tax credits and utility rebates. If you have air quality or moisture control issues, or if anyone in your family has allergies, respiratory issues, or dry scalp and skin, we may also recommend such things as humidifiers, air filters, and more. While these items don’t cost much, they can provide important benefits for your family.
We specialize in the following types of HVAC accessories for your home:
- Zoned Air Conditioning Systems
- Ductless Air Conditioning Systems
- Furnace Replacement
- New Heat Pump Systems
- Gas Heating Systems
- High Efficiency Furnaces
- Hot Water Heating Systems
- Zoned Heating Systems